We are excited to see everyone as we gear up for Christmas and we have been assured by the Governor that we are an essential business. The good news is that we can hug our trees, because we cannot get Covid-19 from them the bad news is we can from each other, so we are starting to prepare for a Covid-19 modified Christmas season.
We will be following the CDC guidelines of course and we will ask you to wear your masks and use the 6 foot social distancing practices.
We will be making the following changes so that we can all have time to enjoy the Christmas season and visit with you before it gets crazy.
Changes that we are planning
- Trees for sale will be pre-tagged & decorating in the field with our pink tags and/or your decorations of choice (non-glass please) & that are critter or eco-friendly is appreciated.
- We will be opening for pre-tree tagging on the weekends only in October and early November by appointment only.
- Pre-tagging will guarantee you a tree and a pick-up time slot.
Best of all this is a perfect time for you to be able to take your family Christmas pictures outside with the trees and remember that
includes your pet. (pets are always welcome!) (if you are using professional photographer they must call and schedule a time slot as well)
- We will also be taking pre-orders for all the items you would normally get from us, ornaments wreaths garlands and trees.
- We will be setting appointment schedules so you can return for the pickup of you tree, wreath, garland & gift shop items, starting on our opening weekend of November 21st.
To support all this information below is our link to our appointment scheduler and online store, just click the button below with sign - up genius and schedule your Pre tag appointment
Pre-Season tagging appointment link is through SignupGenius, which is below, so you can copy & paste or click on the button below,
which will take you to our calendar.
Your pickup appointment will be made on the same day you chose your pre-selected tree.
Thank you- hope to hear from you soon,
Your Staff at Wilson Hill Tree Farm